Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Pic Collage with Reflection

Today I was working with a class trying out a newly downloaded free iPad app called Pic Collage. Pic Collage enables you to add a mix of pictures, text, backgrounds, stickers/effects and save as a photo.  I can see how this app could be used across the curriculum.

I think it is imperative in today's world for children to be encouraged to develop their thinking and creative skills by giving them the time to explore and find things out for themselves, so today I gave the iPads out (1:3) and told the children (8 yr olds) to find the app called PicCollage and explore how it worked.

Children explored with great enthusiasm collaborating with each other.  After about 15 minutes they shared their findings. The next step was setting an authentic task which was to use Pic Collage to  present their recently created animal artwork in a creative way to put on the class blog.

The results were outstanding with each Pic Collage looking quite different.  However what impressed me the most was when a group of children had not only added their artwork creatively, but instinctively added reflections next to their artwork.  Such a great WOW moment for me.

Here's their Pic Collage.

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