I am in the process of developing a digital citizenship/cyber safety programme for Years 0-6 at school and am initially focussing on our year 5, 6 level. Digital citizenship is not a ‘one off’ and should be a continual discussion in the classroom, particularly as situations occur. This is very much the start of my journey with this, and I will share more as I progress further down the track.
I started by looking at the resource that Claire Amos had instigated for NZ Teachers that NZ teachers had put together in Wikieducator. http://wikieducator.org/Digital_Citizenship
I reviewed a few videos and wanted to try these out. To start the conversation going, I worked with a year 5 and 6 class for one block talking about digital citizenship and showed 2 videos and they took an online quiz. I got feedback from the children and it really made them think. Fantastic, that’s exactly what we need kids to do nowadays. THINK, particularly BEFORE they ACT.
I am terrified for children growing up in this day and age. In my day there was no internet, so any mistakes I made as a child are not searchable, but the reality is their mistakes will be searchable. With the increase of mobile devices, pictures/videos are taken too easily and with no respect or thought for others putting things online.
It is important to talk about the attributes/qualities of a good digital citizen and how respect is such an important one. We should ask permission before we post a photo or video that includes other friends out of respect to those friends.
I reviewed a few videos and wanted to try these out. To start the conversation going, I worked with a year 5 and 6 class for one block talking about digital citizenship and showed 2 videos and they took an online quiz. I got feedback from the children and it really made them think. Fantastic, that’s exactly what we need kids to do nowadays. THINK, particularly BEFORE they ACT.
I am terrified for children growing up in this day and age. In my day there was no internet, so any mistakes I made as a child are not searchable, but the reality is their mistakes will be searchable. With the increase of mobile devices, pictures/videos are taken too easily and with no respect or thought for others putting things online.
It is important to talk about the attributes/qualities of a good digital citizen and how respect is such an important one. We should ask permission before we post a photo or video that includes other friends out of respect to those friends.
I will now describe the process of what I did in these year 5 and 6 classes as follows:
What is a digital citizen?
We started our conversation by using www.padlet.com and built an online wall (allows collaborative post it notes) and we explored the key attributes of a citizen, (after determining what a citizen was!). Then we related these key attributes to online (just put online at the end of each attribute i.e be respectful online). I got this idea from Kevin Honeycutt who is an inspirational speaker from the States, very popular in NZ.
Digital Footprint:
Online safety, privacy, sharing and footprint
Next I showed the video "Digital Dossier" which goes through what a person's dossier looks like throughout the entire life starting in the womb! There are lots of teachable moments throughout this video and it is an eye opener as to how large their digital dossier is going to be.
Digital Footprint
Honesty, Integrity and Ethical Behaviour
The second video is all about digital footprint. It reinforces that everything you do do online can be seen by everyone and is there permanently and can be copied and passed on to anyone!
It looks at photos and has a silly photo of a child with pencils up his nose, which is a geat opportunity to talk about 'who' puts photos up on line. I ask the children, "Do you think this child put this online for everyone to see? and this brings about great discussion. Great for talking about respecting privacy and other's privacy too.
After watching both of these videos I then took the children through the online quiz at
By the way, this Ted Talk on 'electronic tattoos' is an eye opener for teachers and talking about facial recognition.
This gives great opportunities to discuss passwords and dodgy pop ups and dodgy emails. The children really enjoyed this.
Note, whilst I did this in one session it could easily be broken up into serveral half hour sessions, although the children coped really well with the one session. Their next task is now to create an online resource that they can share with parents and friends about what they have learnt to reinforce the learning.
Note prior to these discussions I had taught children about Creative Commons which is all about copyright and how to license your work to share. We had Matt from Creative Commons New Zealand Skype in and do a session. The does this free for NZ schools. (Matt McGregor <Matt.McGregor@royalsociety.org.nz>). I have blogged about how I reinforced CC in the classroom too at http://helenselearningjourney.blogspot.co.nz/search/label/Creative%20CommonsBy the way, this Ted Talk on 'electronic tattoos' is an eye opener for teachers and talking about facial recognition.
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