Over the last couple of months, I've been exploring SAMR in more detail and have presented on it twice, which I've included in this blog post.
What is SAMR?
SAMR is a roadmap to ICT integration that has four level; the first two being where technology is used to enhance the learning essentially as a substitute for pen and paper with added functionality like spell checker. The next two levels take the learning from enhancement to transformation where more advanced tools are used to create new tasks using collaboration and sharing. My presentations will explain this in more detail.
I've presented at EduIgnite http://emergingleaders.school.nz/ignite-evening/ EduIgnite is an evening where educational leaders get together and share their learning. The format has to be 20 slides and 15 seconds per slide.
Here is my slide presentation
What is SAMR?
SAMR is a roadmap to ICT integration that has four level; the first two being where technology is used to enhance the learning essentially as a substitute for pen and paper with added functionality like spell checker. The next two levels take the learning from enhancement to transformation where more advanced tools are used to create new tasks using collaboration and sharing. My presentations will explain this in more detail.
I've presented at EduIgnite http://emergingleaders.school.nz/ignite-evening/ EduIgnite is an evening where educational leaders get together and share their learning. The format has to be 20 slides and 15 seconds per slide.
Here is my slide presentation
I've had a few twitter conversations about the SAMR model. I had one question asked, what is wrong with substitution? I reflected on this, and our conversation talked about the fact there is nothing 'wrong' with substitution as such and obviously with a roadmap to integration you have to start somewhere. This person felt there was stigma at his/her school around 'Substitution' and you were looked down upon when using this level of integration.
The main point I feel, this is a progression so if you only ever do substitution then we need to think about 'are we using technology the best way we can for the potential it offers in respect of being used to 'transform learning'.
Is it realistic to expect to be at the 'transforming' level all the time?
I think the majority of teachers probably do just use technology at the substitution level and the SAMR model is helpful as a guide to progress us beyond this level of use.
In reality there will be times when substitution is more appropriate but if we are able to use technology to take us further to create new tasks then we owe it to ourselves to explore this further.
The levels make you more aware of how we use technology as a tool for learning.
I reflected some more and taught the SAMR model with various classes at my school and then ended up revising my presentation at a TeachMeet2 /teachmeetnz.wikispaces.com/Prescott_Helen . This is where each slide can only be 15 seconds long, hence the 'fast' talking. I've included thinking around the key competencies from the NZ Curriculum and I've given practical examples of use at each level, also pointing out the benefits of each level.
This is my slide presentation;
This is the video.
This is a great video which focusses on the use of Google Apps using the SAMR Model.
Here are some extra resources that I found on the VLN which you might find of use.
Good luck with your journey. Would love to hear from anyone choosing to take this SAMR journey and how it changes your practice. @helenoftroy01
Good luck with your journey. Would love to hear from anyone choosing to take this SAMR journey and how it changes your practice. @helenoftroy01
Helen, just spotted this great post about your learning with SAMR. You are the New Zealand educator who introduced me to this framework of learning. I was really excited to host you on #TeachMeetNZ and hear you share with the rest of New Zealand and the world. I look forward to seeing your progression this year with the SAMR model and see where the thinking leads you.